What a great day!
Well I'm not much good at missing out and so when I spotted a huge banner on the side of a church building advertising the 'Boxing Club', I just had to find out more.
At that moment this very old lady, Helen, came upto me and asked if she could help? I said I was interested in the concept of boxing in a church, and so in response she invited me in for tea and toast and a chat.
I actually found out that the Boxing Club is separate from the church, but that there has never been any trouble because of it, because the boys are taught from the very start that the boxing ring is the only right place to fight. They have helped fund the church and been involved in all manner of events to help the church raise money.
It was fascinating, and of course a welcome break from my saddle!
By the time I reached Kendal I was starving and very tired, even I might say, knackered!
So my sit down, 'legs under', Chinese dinner was very welcome, filled a huge space and gave me chance to explain to the young chinese lady that Lands End and John O'Groats are quite a long way from each other, in fact at opposite ends of the country! She thought it would have been a better idea if I had set up a training bike on the train and done it that way in relative comfort. Good idea!
I have been looking forward to the Lake district and then even better Scotland, for the whole of the planning period of this trip with Carri at home and then specifically this last week of the ride. But I should qualify that I do not think any less of the rest of this fair isle, its just that I specifically have not seen much of Scotland.
But first Penrith for a fabulous olives and bread lunch, and then on to Carlisle, fleetingly as I passed on to the much better prize of Scotland.
The weather was brilliant with a good cooling breeze, in my face. And bright sunshine, somehow dodging the clouds. Of course I got a little over cooked, but small cost for the experience.
The road to Gretna alongside the M6 motorway is brand new and fantasticly smooth. The views from there and all the way to Annan, my stop for the night of the Lake district mountains, well it was incredible...........
Enough to say for now that I had a great evening with my new hosts who put on some wonderful food and gathered in 12 people including four ministers to discuss their works in the community with families and young people.
Good night.
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