The last leg and there will not be a lap of honour thankyou!
The weather was good as usual in the morning and held strong until just before Thurso the largest town on the North coast that boasts a railway station and is a usual end stop for LEJOG'ers although the thought of adding on another 20miles to get back to it could be quite terrifying I should think?
I stopped for late lunch of Orkney herrings and salad washed down with more Irnbru (good and sweet, and fits my sugar needs nicely!)
I met a German couple that are riding a similar route around Scotland as myself as part of the North Atlantic cycle route that runs through countries that sit on the edge of the North Atlantic, and includes countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden... seems even more insane than my little trip?The cloud continued to build through the afternoon but thankfully never amounted to anything, although it did add quite a chill in my opinion and cut down sight seeing visibility to just about nothing.
Passing the Dounreay Atomic powerstation was slightly interesting, but I gather the furore caused when it was understood that it will take over 5o years to close down was interesting to see.
On a possitive note though, it will give some people a life times work! Wether or not they will be Scottish though, I couldn't say? At last, long last the actual sign post to John O'Groats sat in front of me indicating 1/4 mile to go, whoop, whoop!
We what can I say? It is of course full of tourist junk, but as I was getting my last LEJOG proof of passage stamp from the kiosk the passenger ferry that was run by John DeGroot many years ago to the Orkneys came in, full filling it's reason for being I guess!

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