Setting the scene
Since going public with my intention I have been quite overwhelmed by the generocity of some of the people around me, little but significant things!
A suspension saddle post, loaned for the support of the more significant thing in my life. And the focus of many jokes so far!
Special handle bar extension bars to allow me to almost lie down on the job when my arms get tired! Actually called Aero-bars they have taken me a while to get used to but now give me a great tucked in possition when I am carreening almost uncontrollably down any hill that presents itself, usually after a very hard and slow ride up the other side!
My friend Dave who paid for my new transmission set when I discovered that the original chain and cogs were all worn out. Thanks Dave.
My parents who are going on holiday to Cornwall and have shuffled their itinerary round to suit dropping me off on my start date of 2nd July 09 exactly one month from today! OooHhh!
Steve M for the loan of his roofrack and cycle carrier that will bring my bike back home, probably when I least want to see it?
Trimline for allowing me three weeks off work and access to all of our suppliers and customers with the aim of getting them to sponsor me to raise £5k for the 'Teenage Cancer Trust'
And finally so far, Cycleworld in Romsey that have given me significant cost savings on the clothing and accessories that I have needed to give myself a fighting chance of succeeding. Thanks to Mike T for sorting that one.
Tired now as it's twenty past midnight so good night!
God Bless.
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